Whats New ?

First 3 weeks with puppies

Due date: 11/08/10

Pupps are already 3 weeks old. They can walk and see and their teeth grow fast! Soon they will be more dangerous than piranhas...

Some puppy photos added

Due date: 30/07/10

I put photos of each puppy to the left column and now I'm preparing whole gallery.

Puppies are delivered

Due date: 20/07/10

Anouk gave birth to 6 gorgeous puppies. We have 3 girls and 3 boys and they all are doing well.

Anouk's pregnancy days

Due date: 30/06/10

Anouk pregnancy was confirmed on 12th June and now we enjoy her lovely moods...She is rounder every day and everyone keeps asking me, how many puppies are in her belly!
We have only 20 days to go, therefore I'm quite busy with all the preparations for the upcoming litter.
It will be wonderfull summer this year!!!

Our website on Guffoo

Due date: 24/05/10

I finally had time to prepare a new web site on Guffoo. I hope you'll enjoy it!

Red girl


Green boy


Turquoise boy


Darkblue boy


Yellow girl


Pink girl
