Welcome to Guffoo construction site

Purpose of this site is to design particular aspects of the new Guffoo portal.navrh 3a

The Guffoo construction site contains:

  • Guffoo content - desribes content structure of the portal and individual sections' content; a part of it would be Public relation (P.R., see below for details)
  • Our team - introduce our roles, responsibility, etc. from real as well as P.R. points of view
  • Public relation - mainly a plan of P.R. for couple of next months
  • Graphical design - it has been selected a design #3

Each page includes its discussion as a sub-page. There we can discuss our ideas to meet the best solution.

This site is in English now as we have to learn ourselve to use this crazy language to be able to run Guffoo from January;-)

Please notice we should finish our discussion of Guffoo content, Our team and Public relation till November 15!
